So I've finally settled into my own room (after spending 2 nights on the couch, because my room would only free then - of course I didn't pay anything for those nights), unpacked all my stuff and got into a normal waking up - going to sleep schedule. I need this, a schedule. Waking up and going to sleep at different times was really exhausting for me. I always felt tired in the last months, but those last days, I've had just the perfect amount of energy for the day.
The shiurim at Pardes are interesting and intriguing! The most fun part is learning in chevruta with all kind of people and getting to know their background.
In the Chumash class with Judy Klitsner we looked at the first verse in the Tanach and discussed the various ways one could ask a Kushiah (a probing question) on the text. Then we looked at different commentaries and searched for what their Kushia might have been and how have they solved it (also not all Kushias can be solved!) If you want to know more about this class, reach out to me and we can have a chat!
In the afternoon we could choose from different electives and I chose the Halacha elective taught by Zvi Hirschfeld, my Talmud teacher. I really like his teaching style - it's very participative and engaging! We learned about the laws of the Shofar and got introduced into the structure and flow of the Halachik process. Most of the things I knew already from the back of my head, but it was good to have a refresher before slicing the cake of Halacha in the world of Shofar. Whole discussions on different instances about what even is a Shofar and what do we make it from and what makes it kosher or unfit. During the chevruta learning in this class, I understood that I feel best in a leading role in a chevruta. What remains to be discovered is how (ie in what kind of role / with what kind of chevruta partner) do I learn best and retain the learnt best. I am very curious.
After classes I got myself a Shuwarma and passed some shops to find a pillow and some blankets. I went to a second hand shop and found what I need for a fairly cheep price, as well as a pillow at Bazar Shtrauss. During my shopping I did a lot of people watching (one of my favorite activities) and a scary though passed through my head (again): Will I ever be as Israeli as all of those other people?
That night I was calling with Mama and she said something very wise (I'm paraphrasing):
Israel is a land of extremes. Extreme weather, extreme temperament, etc. The amplitude of everything is higher than anywhere else. You are trying to find your identity in the Israeli society. It can't be with the whole Israeli society so you have to find that group that you fit in. Keep your European values and manners and everything will be good.
She is right. Nothing more to say :)
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